Community Centre.
How to become a Happy Brain Community Centre
We train your staff and volunteers in our core model next-generation thinking.
People say: “Happy Brain has given me a standard to work against within my role and through using its practices on myself, I have started to regain my own confidence and settle my anxiety. As a youth worker my role is primarily to support and deliver to young people, I use many aspects of Happy Brain in my day-to-day work.”
“Happy Brain allows me to deliver models of resilience to young people that give them something to refer to at times of trauma, anxiety, difficulty or depression (and many more other feelings).”
“Encouraging young people to also nurture and monitor their own mental and emotional health gives them the first steps to becoming self-sufficient and become less reliant on primary and secondary carers – a key skill to have.”
“With self-sufficiency, our young people bring less ‘trivial’ issues (such as falling out with friends) to us and begin to learn to settle conflict, leading into developing more positive relationships. This allows us more to time to focus on the most vulnerable of our young people.”
“The model of thrive, stress, and survive brains gives me a way to easily explain to young people how our brains and emotions work. This then gives the foundations to then support young people to be able to return to thrive when things start to go a bit wrong.”

“I learned how to deal with other people’s emotions.”
“Because staying safe around horses requires calm-confidence, staff at Stepney have a fantastic backdrop for coaching young people how to self-regulate emotional states.”
Stepney Bank Stables
We help staff and volunteers to support young people.

“An exercise I use to help young people process sensory information and develop resilience is the Sensory Mind Spa. I think it helps our young people become more grounded and it is something I will also need to practice.”
“Quite often I will be told by another young person that someone is, for example, crying on the stairs. When I sit next to them, they may turn their back or not want to speak. Using the PES scale, I can adapt to the lack of verbal communication and ask a young person to point to which emotion they are feeling currently then how they want to feel, making the first steps towards bringing them back to a thrive state.”

“Another aspect of Happy Brain that I will take into my role is the power of language. Until looking into it, I did not realise how negative the language I use can be subconsciously. Using words to create distance between feelings has been something that I will implement in my work, specifically the use of ‘this’ and ‘that’.”
“The Calm Confidence booklet is a very useful resource for me to use and I think they are quick easy activities that can be delivered anywhere with the young people.”
Stepney Bank Stables in Newcastle Upon Tyne became our first Happy Brain Community Centre in Spring 2021.