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Workshops, events, & training courses.


Events, workshops, trainings & courses that help you build resilience and skills for thriving. Online and in person!

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Bright Brain

 The Happy Brain Core Model – Live Online Training!

We should all be investing in how the next generation is equipped to deal with life’s whirlwinds, be they internally or externally generated. Resilience is more than bouncing back, it is forging new patterns of emotional responses, new ways of thinking, and consciously clearing paths for the future wellbeing of us all. Our training provides you with these skills.

While clients bring us problem children or children with problems, it is vital to understand that no individual human exists in isolation and there is always some form of social interaction and influence (visible or invisible). The Happy Brain approach brings awareness to the whole system of belonging. We help people to relate better to themselves and more collaboratively with others. Our training brings you the opportunity to harmonise family dynamics in a conscious, sensory and symbolic way.

Happy Brain Coaching looks at a family (or class, or any social group) as a system of elements that co-exist through language, behaviour, and expression of emotions. Our training strengthens the adults, who are pivotal in directing relationship dynamics through new perspectives.

Utilising play, creativity and symbolic representations, we forge new creative solutions and align pathways for the whole system to thrive.

This course is packed with models from psychology, biology and neurology so you understand HOW brains are driven to do what they do. You’ll hear case studies from our past two decades of surprising and delighting parents, teachers and children. And our learnings after unexpected failures. You’ll learn HOW LEARNING works inside our 3D model of the brain, and understand how learning can happen by accident or on purpose. You’ll learn how to utilise neural plasticity to consciously align hearts, minds, and life force. This is a tried, tested and much acclaimed model of THRIVE, empowered by the educational model of NLP.

Parents, teachers, carers, coaches, therapists!
This training is for you if you want to:

Learn a simple model of complex neuroscience, one that you can easily relate to as well as share with others. Understand and influence the most primitive of neurological reactions that drive behaviours.

Be inspired to use our play-tools to explore personal and family dynamics in a sensitive, sensory and symbolic manner. Strengthen and empower sub conscious patterns of self-regulation through healthy connection and collaboration.

Feel confident in the clarity of decisions you make, that impact you, your family, your work, your play. And consciously clear the path for a flourishing next generation by influencing their decision choices.

Now more than ever, we need a safe framework for understanding HOW we can take responsibility for our mental and emotional worlds. We want to co-create social systems that embody LIFE SKILLS that SUPPORT healthy mental and emotional transformations.

Join us! This course does what it says on the label: Happy Brain Next Generation Thinking.

8 x 2-hour live online trainings Mondays 1:30pm – 3:30pm (UK time):
Sept 23, 30
Oct 7, 14, 21, 28
Nov 4, 11

OUR UNIQUE MODEL IS A SPECIALIST APPLICATION OF NLP, created by Kay Cooke, Licensed SNLP Master Trainer with an extensive background in health, education, therapy, coaching and parenting.

“I have never been as excited to endorse a new product as I am with Kay Cooke’s “Happy Brain Training”. As we look at today’s children (and adults) it is so obvious that something with great impact is needed in our world! Check out her offer and take it seriously!” John La Valle, President of The Society of NLP

Be Well - Art in Mind


Guided Meditation – live online (6-week course)


Online (Zoom) Mind Magic guided visualisations are meditations for deep relaxation, inner peace and healing. Each week we transcend inner worlds and invisible planes, using hypnosis, shamanism and energy healing. Ideal for adventurers who are experienced in shifting states of consciousness. 

The actual meditation runs approx 7:40 – 8:20, with cameras and microphones switched off. The first and last 10 mins of the hour is for group check in/update with cameras and microphones on. However, if you do not wish to participate in the social part, you can join and leave silently. Group size varies from week to week and meditation theme varies according to group intention and what I’m guided to address.

Single sessions also available

WHEN:  Tuesday evenings

TIME: 7.30pm-8.30pm (UK time)

WHERE: Comfort of your own home.

BRING: You will need a quiet, comfortable (undisturbed) space with access to zoom.

FEE: £30 for 6 week course



Foundations for Excellence in Equestrian Coaching

For everyone. Most useful for those wanting to take BHS stage 2 or 3 coaching and anyone going through UK CC. 5 CPD Points for BHS Accredited Professional Coaches (APC)

October 7, 14, 21, 28 ONLINE 7:00pm – 8:30pm GMT

This interactive online program will immerse you in The Happy Brain Accelerated Coaching approach where the results will speak for themselves as you experience the transformation of sticky and tricky lessons, into smooth super-coaching.

Not least, you’ll infuse your new lessons with enhanced:

Clarity: in organising learning content that will leave your riders excited for more. Including planning, delivery, and evaluation of your lessons.

Communication: through easy processes of accelerate learning AND progression using both conscious and un-conscious methods, adjusting your coaching practice to suit and encourageing lifelong learning for all.

Confidence: to better manage wayward emotions, both yours AND those of your riders by recognising the needs of your rider, their horse and yourself.

CLICK HERE for more info, testimonials and booking.