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Soft-Back Book – Happy Brain Manual

Soft-Back Book – Happy Brain Manual

(1 customer review)


Original book now reprinted – new brand, new price (£17.99 instead of £24.99) and printed in the UK (instead of US)! 
The first 10 years of Happy Brain written as a book that describes the model and how to use it, and how it has been used to date! 
While the model applies to ALL brains, this is a book detailing its specialist application and ideal for people who work with children and includes case studies of my work with children, teenagers, schools and families.
UK sales only. Please email for international sales or check out your country’s Amazon site.


20 in stock

Happy Brain - Next Generation thinking

Original book now reprinted - new brand, new price (£17.99 instead of £24.99) and printed in the UK (instead of US)! 
The first 10 years of Happy Brain written as a book that describes the model and how to use it, and how it has been used to date! 
While the model applies to ALL brains, this is a book detailing its specialist application and ideal for people who work with children and includes case studies of my work with children, teenagers, schools and families.

If you live outside the UK you can find the book on Amazon - globally.  Here is the UK listing


"This is a delightful book. Kay Cooke does what NLP should be, keeping it powerful and simple. Read this book and learn to make your life simple and more powerful in a delightful way!"
Dr. Richard Bandler, co-founder of Neuro Linguistic Programming

"Any parent, carer, teacher, or professional working with children with emotional, psychological or behavioural difficulties simply must read this book. Not to do so serves a great disservice to these children. Ideally, the book will help teachers, parents and carers prevent such problems occurring, and when this has not been possible, will help everyone quickly and easily resolve the difficulties leading to a rapid return to good mental health and hence happy children who enjoy learning and life."
Dr Louise Golightly, MB,BS., MRCPsych, Consultant Psychiatrist

"This is an amazing book - clear, lively, readable and full of fascinating facts, procedures, and appraisals. What it’s about and who it’s for is best summed up for me by the author: “I set out to try to persuade teachers and parents that seemingly low-key - yet enormously impactful - play activities would build more resourceful and resilient young minds.
Elaine Perry, Emeritus Professor, Neurochemical Pathology, Newcastle University

This book is a thorough and eloquent guide to how people, and particularly children, learn best. Anyone who follows the advice and methods in this book will be helping children access the skills and resources they have to learn effectively now. The children will also learn to nurture their emotional health towards the flexibility necessary to live full and rewarding adult lives, in a caring society, in the future.

I would strongly urge anyone who recognises the wisdom within these pages to practice and master the attitudes and techniques described.
Dr. Mark E. W. Chambers. M.B., Ch.B., FRCGP

Additional information

Weight 0.3 kg
Dimensions 21 × 1 × 21 cm

1 review for Soft-Back Book – Happy Brain Manual

  1. Tanya Bunting

    Happy Brain – A “Go to” Manual for YOUR Parenting, Teaching or Coaching Success

    Highly Recommended ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

    Dr Richard Bandler, Co-Founder of NLP, notes that we’re all born with a brain but no-one gives us a manual to know how to use it well…until now!

    As you’re reading this review, my best guess is that you’re already a Happy Brain fan or you’re deciding whether to purchase and join the club.

    I originally purchased Happy Brain in March 2020, just as the world was going into lockdown. My initial response was, “Wow! This is the book that I’ve been looking for, for over 30 years!” Needless to say, I now recommend it to other parents and professionals who want to “get” what’s driving a child’s behaviours in order to support their success.

    Kay’s explanation of the human brain, how it works and how to supercharge a child’s thrive drive is engaging and empowering for parents and professionals alike. Page after page, the key learning about Neuro-Science – the thoughts, language and behaviours that enable some children to thrive whilst others fail makes such sense, and the mind hacks and language tips to “turn things around” are invaluable.

    Happy Brain is a treasure chest full of gems for parents and professionals who want to develop great skills for supporting our children to live their best life. Not to mention, a gift to the next generation, their children and no doubt their children’s children.

    Imagine a world where children, young people and adults supercharge their thrive drive and grab this wonderful opportunity for you and yours.

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