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E-BOOK – Happy Brain Manual

E-BOOK – Happy Brain Manual


Happy Brain: A Pivotal Guide for Conscious Parenting

In the ever-expanding world of parenting advice, “Happy Brain” emerges as a crucial manual for parents striving to deepen their understanding of their children’s mental and emotional development. By incorporating Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), this book offers a fresh perspective on creating a nurturing environment where future generations can truly thrive.

The author provides a wealth of insights, case studies, and practical resources to equip parents with the tools needed to foster emotional well-being in children. By simplifying complex concepts from neurology, biology, and psychology, “Happy Brain” presents a model that elucidates how different brain states – Thrive, Stress, and Survive – impact behaviour and overall well-being.

While applicable to all individuals, the book specifically targets those who interact with children and young people, drawing on the author’s experiences working with diverse groups. Readers are introduced to Kay Cooke’s work with children, teenagers, schools, and families, showcasing the transformative power of understanding and applying NLP principles in parenting and education.

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Happy Brain: A Pivotal Guide for Conscious Parenting

In the ever-expanding world of parenting advice, "Happy Brain" emerges as a crucial manual for parents striving to deepen their understanding of their children's mental and emotional development. By incorporating Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), this book offers a fresh perspective on creating a nurturing environment where future generations can truly thrive.

The author provides a wealth of insights, case studies, and practical resources to equip parents with the tools needed to foster emotional well-being in children. By simplifying complex concepts from neurology, biology, and psychology, "Happy Brain" presents a model that elucidates how different brain states - Thrive, Stress, and Survive - impact behaviour and overall well-being.

While applicable to all individuals, the book specifically targets those who interact with children and young people, drawing on the author's experiences working with diverse groups. Readers are introduced to Kay Cooke's work with children, teenagers, schools, and families, showcasing the transformative power of understanding and applying NLP principles in parenting and education.

Moreover, "Happy Brain" serves as a manual for students of the Happy Brain program and is revered as an essential resource for those aspiring to become Happy Brain Coaches. Through its specialised application of NLP, this book not only empowers parents but also individuals working closely with children to create a positive and nurturing environment that facilitates emotional growth and resilience.

"Happy Brain" is a comprehensive guide that inspires meaningful changes in the way we approach parenting and interaction with children. It provides a roadmap for cultivating emotional health and fostering strong connections with the next generation, making it a valuable asset for anyone seeking to promote positive development and well-being in children.



"This is a delightful book. Kay Cooke does what NLP should be, keeping it powerful and simple. Read this book and learn to make your life simple and more powerful in a delightful way!"
Dr. Richard Bandler, co-founder of Neuro Linguistic Programming

"Any parent, carer, teacher, or professional working with children with emotional, psychological or behavioural difficulties simply must read this book. Not to do so serves a great disservice to these children. Ideally, the book will help teachers, parents and carers prevent such problems occurring, and when this has not been possible, will help everyone quickly and easily resolve the difficulties leading to a rapid return to good mental health and hence happy children who enjoy learning and life."
Dr Louise Golightly, MB,BS., MRCPsych, Consultant Psychiatrist

"This is an amazing book - clear, lively, readable and full of fascinating facts, procedures, and appraisals. What it’s about and who it’s for is best summed up for me by the author: “I set out to try to persuade teachers and parents that seemingly low-key - yet enormously impactful - play activities would build more resourceful and resilient young minds.
Elaine Perry, Emeritus Professor, Neurochemical Pathology, Newcastle University

This book is a thorough and eloquent guide to how people, and particularly children, learn best. Anyone who follows the advice and methods in this book will be helping children access the skills and resources they have to learn effectively now. The children will also learn to nurture their emotional health towards the flexibility necessary to live full and rewarding adult lives, in a caring society, in the future.

I would strongly urge anyone who recognises the wisdom within these pages to practice and master the attitudes and techniques described.
Dr. Mark E. W. Chambers. M.B., Ch.B., FRCGP

Additional information

Weight 0.4 kg
Dimensions 25 × 25 × 05 cm


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