


Trick for Treat

Witches, wizards and pumpkins as well

Preparing October’s most sinister spell.

Jolly the Ghost with his floating routines

Weirdest this Spook School has ever seen.

“Who can be scary, spooky and mean?

Who can make children’s mothers turn green?

Go gather the loudest screams, moans and cries,

To win Spook School’s Ultimate Halloween prize.”

But as the All Hallows adventures began

Jolly the Ghost kept carefully to plan.

“No, I will not frighten in this competition

For I am Jolly, the great mind magician!”

Yet whispers abound ‘A ghost – Jolly’s not’

Resounded through Spook School and echoed a lot.

His techniques to feel happy, creative, ecstatic

Surely were not real examples of magic.

“Well,” Jolly explained,  “a thought can bring terror

It can also bring laughter, so you see there’s an error!

Today, I’ll teach you real magic inside,

Preparing your most exciting Halloween ride.”

An apparition was conjured within Jolly’s belly

A calm orange pumpkin, fresh, vibrant, not smelly!

Jolly deeply inhaled October’s crisp air

Exhaling long, soft breath, relaxing all cares.

Jolly imagined the pumpkin was breathing

Expanding, contracting, a rhythm most pleasing.

While focusing more on the long outward breath

Jolly’s relaxation helped him to stress-less.

His ghost-mind relaxed more, drifting away

Feelings of floating above all today.

Over Spook City and all who he knows

Jolly feels freedom as his mind magic grows.

Imagineering a floating, relaxing sensation

Brings excitement of calmness into any occasion

In the Halloween spirit, this trick is a treat,

Pumpkin belly breathing is a spell to repeat

Belly Breathing pumpkins have more gifts for you,

Calm-on-demand – empowerment to do.

Jolly notices something while surfing through clouds

Sad Little Witch all alone, crying out loud.

Jolly breathes deeply, imagination stays calm

A sparkle magical wand appears in his ghostly palm

“The others from Spook School; gremlins and ghouls,

Are simply not following all our spook rules.”

I’m feeling so upset, what am I to do?”

“Let’s start by calming those sad feelings in you.

Use magical eyes to find feeling inside

And spin them around until sad feelings subside.”

“If feelings tumble one way or another to  feel bad

Try reversing their direction til you are no longer sad”

Little Witch began describing her actual sensations

Intending a new spell for their evaporation.

Jolly’s ghost-wand spun sparkles into her pain

And From Little Witch’s cloud it started to rain!

Jolly the Ghost smiled “we are not done quite yet

We need to rebalance, so you no longer fret.”

Shifting and shuffling until Witch was sat straight

Jolly helped her adjust, until she felt great.

Little Witch started grinning and cackled with glee

“Can I adventure with you for mind-magic to see?”

And so this contagious thinking arrived into Spook School

As Jolly and Witch shared their mind magic tools.

Terror and calm are both possible now

Both magical thought forms when ghouls, know how.

A new competition is planned for next year

“We’ll teach calmness and fun-shine to balance each fear”

Imagineering can bring both terror or fun

So, let’s learn mind tricks for treats – easily done!

By Emily Elliott and Kay Cooke
All copyrights belong to The Happy Brain Co Ltd

Fun-Shine Alphabet

Fun-Shine Alphabet

Looking for a fun ice-breaker, pattern interrupt, or warm-up for your team of colleagues or students? Or a new idea for having fun and making people smile? Here’s a game you can play with your students, colleagues, coachees, or family. It has scope to be as purposeful as you choose!

This game involves letters of the alphabet A-Z, some pens, some paper or flip chart, or white board. It can be done individually or in groups and you can even add some flavoursome competition.

Choose one of the themes below and assign a word to each letter.

Theme 1: Positive/happy/fun words e.g. amazing, brilliant, cuddly …
Theme 2: Nouns (things) e.g. apple, bat, crib …
Theme 3: Verbs (actions) e.g. admiring, bowling, crocheting …
Theme 4: Nonsensical (made up) brain ticklers e.g. artummyful, brainbutt, crumtonly…
Theme 6: NLP nominalisations e.g. adoration, bliss, confidence …
Theme 7: Colours e.g. apple-green, baby-blue, crimson …

Or make up your own theme!

Or create a themed word-bank somewhere prominent where people can keep adding new words.

This is play, with purpose. For example, that purpose might be to:
• have fun
• engage with others
• embed learning
• calibrate people or situations
• …

#NLP #calibration #language #play #happybrain #fun #states #NLP submodalities #icebreaker #braintickle #trainingroom #teamtalk